Workout of the week: Full-body metabolic conditioning workout
ALL LEVELS / full-body metabolic conditioning workout / 30 minutes
Equipment: Dumbbells & kettlebell
If you’re new to metabolic conditioning training, don’t worry — it’s quite straightforward. This workout strategy maximizes calorie burn during and after your session by combining high-intensity and moderate-intensity compound exercises. And the best part? It’s good for you! It enhances cardiovascular health, boosts metabolism, and improves endurance and strength, promoting fat loss while preserving muscle mass.
This full-body metabolic conditioning workout consists of 4 exercises plus 1. The goal is to complete 100 reps of each of these first 4 exercises. Of course, you don’t have to perform the 100 reps in a row — you can divide it. 10, 15, or 25 reps each time: it’s completely up to you. However, the idea is to go close to failure. The added challenge is that every time you switch to the next exercise, you must perform 100 jumping jacks — our plus one exercise and the number 5 on the list below.
- Dumbbell deadlift
- Renegade rows
- Kettlebell swing
- Deadlift to row
- Jumping jacks
Ready? Let’s go!

- 5 exercises
- 100 reps of each of the first 4 exercises, in no particular order
- 100 jumping jacks each time you switch exercises
- 30 minutes total
- Equipment: Dumbbells & kettlebell
1 – Dumbbell deadlift
100 reps
- Begin in standing, holding a dumbbell in each hand. As the video shows, the dumbbells can be positioned in front of the body; however, if this puts too much stress on your lower back, hold the dumbbells by your side.
- Engage the core and begin the movement by bending the knees slightly and hinging the hips. Then continue the bending by pushing the hips backwards, lowering the dumbbells as far as comfortable.
- At the bottom of the movement, actively engage the glutes, push the feet into the floor and drive the hips upwards and forwards to return to the start position.
- Repeat.
2 – Renegade rows
100 reps
- Grab two dumbbells and set your body up in a high plank position.
- Your hands and feet should be more than shoulder-width apart.
- Now lower your body until your chest is parallel to your hands.
- Push up with power and start rowing one dumbbell up to your chest, and then the other.
- Slowly return to the starting position.
3 – Kettlebell swing
100 reps
- Hold the kettlebell with both hands.
- Hinge the hips to initiate the swing movement.
- Rapidly drive hip extension to swing the kettlebell upwards.
- Control your swing descent with a hip hinge by swinging the kettlebell between your legs.
- Repeat.
4 – Deadlift to row
100 reps
- Standing up proud, hold two dumbbells in each arm.
- Now, bend forward until your upper body is slightly above parallel to the ground. Your back should remain under tension/straight throughout the motion.
- Row the dumbbells up and down one time. Bend your elbows and retract your shoulder blades.
- With your arms returned to the lower position, raise your upper body back up.
5 – Jumping jacks
100 reps every time you switch exercise
- Start in a standing position with your arms by your sides. Engage the core slightly and set the shoulders, ready for movement.
- Keeping arms and legs straight (but not locked out) simultaneously jump the legs out to the sides and raise the arms to shoulder height. Stabilise the hips, core and shoulder girdle.
- Return to start and continue at a controlled rhythmic pace for the whole minute.
Full-body metabolic conditioning workout: done. Choose your next challenge here:
- 30-min functional conditioning workout
- 30-min AMRAP strength push workout
- 20-min lower-body strength workout
- 25-min full-body strength pull workout
- 15-min back strength workout
- 12-min AMRAP upper body workout
- 15-min metabolic strength workout
- 12-min lower-body strength and conditioning workout
- 30-min EMOM full-body workout
- 30-min zone 2 cardio workout
- 35-min chest and triceps workout
- Full-body workout for time