Workout of the week: 30-min EMOM full-body workout

ALL LEVELS / EMOM full-body workout / 30 minutes
Equipment: Kettlebells & dumbbells
EMOM might seem like a cryptic code you’d find in a secret agent’s handbook, but it’s just a type of HIIT (high-intensity interval training) workout that will inject some spice into your workout routine. It stands for “Every Minute On the Minute,” which means you must complete a set of reps within 60 seconds. Nail it, and you’ve earned the rest of the minute to rest; if you fall short, you’ll get no time to stop.
That’s the plan with this EMOM full-body workout. It has 4 exercises, 10 to 15 reps, to complete in 6 rounds. As a bonus, you’ll have one spare minute to rest after completing the 4 exercises. In total, this session will take you 30 minutes to complete.
- Goblet squats
- Deadlift to row
- Push-ups
- Curl to shoulder press
Ready? Let’s do this!

- 4 exercises
- 10 to 15 reps
- 6 rounds
- 30 minutes total
- Equipment: Kettlebells & dumbbells
6 rounds
10-15 reps
- Hold two kettlebells, one in each hand.
- Keep your core tight.
- Drive your hips up.
- Keep your weight through the centre of your feet.
10-15 reps
- Standing up proud, hold two dumbbells in each arm.
- Now, bend forward until your upper body is slightly parallel to the ground. Your back should remain under tension/straight throughout the motion.
- Row the dumbbells up and down one time. Bend your elbows and retract your shoulder blades.
- With your arms returned to the lower position, raise your upper body back up.
10-15 reps
- Start in a plank position with arms straight, shoulders above wrists, and body in a straight line.
- Engage the core and glutes.
- Keeping the shoulders over the wrists, lower the whole body towards the floor, dropping comfortably as low as you can.
- Push the body upwards and return to the start position.
- Repeat.
10-15 reps
- Grab two dumbbells with adequate weight for your fitness level.
- Standing up straight, have the dumbbells resting at your sides with the palms facing inwards.
- Slowly raise your forearms forward until your wrist rests above your elbow.
- Now explosively lock out your arms and raise the dumbbells above your head.
- Hold the position for a second and return to the starting point by reversing the motion.
- Repeat.
That’s it for this EMOM full-body workout. Find your next challenge below:
- 30-min zone 2 cardio workout
- 15-min lower body strength workout
- 20-min EMOM strength workout
- 30-min upper body strength workout
- 35-min full-body strength workout
- 16-min back and shoulder workout
- 20-min metabolic strength workout
- 25-min shoulder strength workout
- 24-min EMOM lower-body workout
- 20-min functional bodyweight workout
- 12-min metabolic strength workout
- 30-min strength EMOM workout