4 benefits of working out alone

It’s February, and we all know what that means: Valentine’s Day. All around, you’ll see couples celebrating love. While restaurants, malls and movie theatres might be their favourites, you might also come across these lovebirds at EVO. After all, there are plenty of benefits to working with your partner.
However, we’re an inclusive gym, and while some prefer working out with a partner, others prefer to exercise alone. Because everyone is different, it’s our job to guarantee everyone feels comfortable at our gyms. And that’s why today we’re focusing on the benefits of working out alone.
4 benefits of working out alone
1 – You make your schedule
If you work out with someone else, you subject yourself to their schedule, which means you need to agree on an hour that’s convenient for both of you. Whereas, if you train alone, you can choose whatever hours suit your personality and schedule. Ultimately, it doesn’t matter if you’re a morning person or a night owl: you can squeeze in a workout at whatever time you can.

2 – Spend some quality me-time
Going to the gym isn’t only about getting fitter. It can be your me-time, especially since we’re constantly connected and around people. And finding peace and tranquillity with a gym partner can be difficult. So, embrace spending time alone doing something you enjoy, like going to the gym, which can do wonders for your mental health.
3 – No distractions
Having a gym partner can be great for motivation and accountability. However, if you’re a good friend of your gym buddy, chances are you end up chatting, making it difficult for both to focus on your fitness session. Plus, these distractions can make your sessions last 90 minutes instead of 45. On the other hand, when you exercise alone, you have no distractions: you just have to enter the gym and get in the zone.
4 – You take all the credit
If accountability is one of the main benefits of having a gym partner, what is the equivalent for solo exercisers? It’s building this accountability all by yourself. If fear of criticism is the only thing keeping you active, you’re on thin ice. No one will know if you’re cheating on your training sessions or in your diet, so the best way to build this discipline is to be truthful to yourself without a second person. The route may be bumpy, but ultimately it will be more rewarding.
At EVO, we know there is no one-size-fits-all approach to exercise. So, whether you enjoy training alone or with a friend, with a personal trainer or using our APP, in our clubs you’ll find all the tools you need for an optimal training session.