Training that makes sense

axiom / aksɪəm/
A statement or proposition that is regarded as being established, accepted or self-evidently true
EVO has 7 axioms, based on the laws of nature and science. This is the essence behind the hook, ‘Training that makes sense’. Let’s take a closer look.
1. MOVEMENT IS NOT AN INTERVENTION, IT’S NATURE’S WAY – adult humans are far removed from the natural movements we exhibited as children. Back then, we moved because we had to fulfill a specific functional task. No sets, no reps, no dose-response exercise. Just authentic, genuine movement.
2. NATURAL MOVEMENT IS SKILFULL, PURPOSEFUL AND PLAYFUL – every species on the planet shares these movement behaviours ….throughout their lifespan. Except adult humans. We wrongly assume that selective pressures of survival are redundant in the modern world. The reality is they manifest in different ways – low back pain, shoulder dysfunction, immobility, muscular stiffness and movement impairment. Nature makes no allowances for lack of skill.
3. MOVEMENT IS A CONTINUAL INTERACTION BETWEEN AN ORGANISM AND ITS ENVIRONMENT – the human body is constantly interacting with its surroundings. Our senses, muscle and joint receptors, pressure receptors in the skin – are constantly feeding information back (and forward) to our nervous system so that it can continually adjust for (and anticipate) stability and mobility. Switch off the senses at your own risk.
4. PROPRIOCEPTION IS THE FOUNDATION OF MOVEMENT – sensory awareness, development and growth drives movement behaviour. And the language of movement is ‘feel’. Every EVO training space is a propioceptively-enriched environment where feeling is believing.
5. IF WE REMOVE OURSELVES FROM OUR NATURAL HABITAT, WE SUFFER FROM DISEASE AND DYSFUNCTION. ON RETURN, WE BEGIN TO HEAL – unnatural habitats do not just apply to squat racks, bench presses, adductor/abductor machines. They also include poor footwear, suboptimal recovery, artificial light, chronic stress, and poor eating practices. Optimal movement, metabolic and recovery health is our birthright. When we find counter-strategies, we begin to heal.
6. WE’RE ONLY AS FIT AS OUR ABILITY TO ADAPT TO OUR ENVIRONMENT – nature is not concerned with how fit you are. It’s about whether you’re fit enough.
7. SKILL + CONTEXT = FUNCTION – there is a skill to everything. From moving, to eating, to having sex. But without a frame of reference or meaning, the skill becomes redundant. Real functional training improves function by providing appropriate context.
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Do you already know our Exercise of the week: Kinesis Station Deadlift?