5 common workout mistakes and how to avoid them

Embracing a healthier lifestyle is an honourable endeavour, but its path is not straightforward. In fact, it’s full of potential drawbacks. Whether you’re a seasoned gym-goer or a newcomer, if there’s one thing you should know is that you’ll make mistakes — and that’s ok.
However, these mistakes can hinder progress and even lead to injuries. Recognizing these missteps and understanding how to avoid them is crucial for maximizing the benefits of your efforts and ensuring an injury-free fitness routine.
And that’s what we’ll do in this article, where we identify 5 common workout mistakes and how to avoid them to ensure your fitness journey is as smooth as possible.
5 common workout mistakes
1 – Setting unrealistic goals
When we start working out, we feel fresh and motivated: it’s only natural we set the bar high. And while that’s commendable, you must ensure that the bar isn’t too high for anyone to reach. So, forget about becoming shredded in two weeks or mastering a handstand in a couple of days — you’ll fail and naturally feel disappointed.
How to avoid it: Ensure your goals are realistic and attainable with your current fitness level.

2 – Unhealthy diet
Poor nutrition can limit performance, hinder recovery, and harm overall fitness progress. Be careful about internet fad diets — popular diets like paleo, gluten-free or South Beach focus on cutting certain foods out of your diet. And while that can help in certain situations, the idea is to eat a variety of foods from each of the 5 food groups daily in the recommended amounts.
How to avoid it: Truly healthy nutrition isn’t so much about what you cut out of your diet but rather what you put into it.
3 – Sticking to your workout routine
Consistency is a brilliant factor in any workout routine, but too much repetition can lead to several problems. Performing the same workout routine for an extended period can be prejudicial, limiting overall fitness progression and preventing the body from experiencing diverse challenges.
How to avoid it: Mix up different workouts in your routine. If you have any doubts, here’s how often you should change your workout.
4 – Inadequate hydration
Water may not be the latest miracle shake advertised by influencers and sold in shiny packages. In fact, its mundane nature works against it and makes us forget about the many benefits of staying properly hydrated. It rejuvenates your muscles, keeps joints lubricated, makes you more resilient, and it’s nutritive.
How to avoid it: Drink water. According to the British Dietetic Association (BDA), the optimal water intake for an adult man is 2000ml, while for a woman, it is 1600ml.
5 – Overtraining and not resting enough
Overtraining happens when we exercise without giving the body enough time to recover from the strains we put on during workouts. If you combine that with inadequate rest and poor sleep quality, you increase the risk of fatigue, susceptibility to injuries, and compromised overall performance.
How to avoid it: Incorporate rest days into your routine, prioritize sleep, and listen to your body. Allow time for recovery and adaptation.