Workout of the Month: 3 of a Kind

A whole,body barbell workout for time
Moderate-hard workout / barbell circuit / 15 mins
This lo-tech, high-effect barbell workout has EVO written all over It. No complicated equipment – just you, your barbell, and plenty of grit! A great workout for when you need a strength/power fix, or need a high intensity energy boost.
You will need a barbell (moderate weight), a bit of space, and a timer. The workout is done against the clock – set the timer for 15 minutes. This means that you should move as quickly as possible through the exercise sequence. There are only three exercises, and the objective is to complete as many rounds as possible in 15 minutes. Aim to keep hold of the barbell throughout each circuit, but place it down if you need the rest. Try to improve your performance each time you come to EVO. Compete against your friends and other members, and don’t forget to post your scores on social media.
Finally, don’t be fooled by the apparent simplicity of this workout – you will feel the muscle burn creep in, as well as the increase in heart rate. Remember, EVO training is about skill, so focus on good movement technique, whilst moving as fast as possible.
- 3 exercises
- As many rounds as possible in 15 minutes
- Equipment: barbell
10 reps
From standing, set the shoulders and engage the core. Begin the movement by hinging the hips and bending forwards, allowing the knees to bend slightly. Allow the bar to drop to below the knees, then squeeze the shoulder blades and glutes, and drive the hips forwards and upwards back to the start.
8 reps
From standing, set the shoulders and engage the core. Hinge the hips and quickly drive the hips forwards as you clean the bar to a front loaded position. As the bar comes to chest height, aim to quickly drop under and catch it. Push the legs through to standing.
6 reps
With the barbell in a front loaded position, set the shoulders and engage the core. Hinge the hips and quickly drive the hips forwards as you press the bar overhead. Keep the shoulders set and the core strong, to maintain balance, before returning to the start position.