Box Jump Exercises to Build Explosiveness

Box jump exercises are the perfect way to build explosive power. The plyometric move strengthens the biggest muscles in your lower body – looking at you, glutes, quads, calves and hamstrings.
They require maximum input in a short amount of time, putting them high on every coach’s training agenda. Their beauty is in their versatility – you can adjust the height of the box to achieve all kinds of fitness goals.
If you want stronger muscles and more athletic prowess, it’s simple: add box jump exercises to your workouts. This handful of plyo-power moves will break gym-time monotony and take you to the next level with your training.
How to do box jump exercises correctly
Before you begin your box jump exercises, make sure you nail the right form:
- Stand up straight with your feet shoulder-width apart and your back straight. Make sure you’re not too far from the box, but not too close to smashing your shins.
- Get into a quarter squat position, then jump on the box by swinging your arms and pushing your feet from the floor in one explosive move. Land as softly as you can.
- Then, jump back to your starting position. Again, the lighter the landing, the better the jump. If you’re new to box jump exercises, you can step down slowly one leg at a time, which will work your butt muscles and prevent joint pain.
- To build explosiveness, aim for around three sets of five reps.

3 creative box jump exercises for explosive power
1. Power pistol squat box jump
How to:
- Stand facing the box with your elbows bent by your sides.
- Step onto the box with your left foot close to the right edge, with your right leg slightly in front of you alongside the box.
- Slowly bend your left knee at 90 degrees as you lower your right heel towards the ground. Extend your arms for balance.
- Stand to return to starting position.
- Do 12 reps, then switch sides and repeat.
2. Box jump burpees
How to:
- Perform a box jump.
- When you return to your starting position, bend your knees, push your hips back and lower into a squat position.
- Jump your feet back into a plank, with your body in a straight line from your head to heels.
- Jump your feet up so they land just outside of your hands.
- Reach your arms over your head, then explosively jump into the air.
- Land then immediately perform another box jump.
- Repeat for 10 x reps, then switch sides and repeat.
3. Box jump with weights
- Start with a dumbbell in each hand, hands by your side.
- Quickly move into a quarter squat.
- As you perform your box jump, drop the weights to the ground.
- Jump back to the starting position, do one bicep curl and repeat the exercise for 12 reps.
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