Meet René – Our New Personal Trainer and Expert in Calisthenics

EVO’s team just got stronger… faster, more agile and more fun. Join us in welcoming René Schwarzl, our new Personal Trainer and expert in Calisthenics!
Welcome to the team, René! How are you feeling and what are you most excited about in this EVOlution?
Hello guys, I am feeling good and I am really excited to be a Personal Trainer at EVO and to be able to share my passion and experience with you.
Even people who have never heard the name – know the concept – but can you help explain what is calisthenics?
In calisthenics you are using movements like pushing, pulling, jumping, etc. in a rhythmical way and with minimal equipment, mostly just your own bodyweight.
These movements increase body strength, fitness, and flexibility. When performed vigorously and with variety, calisthenics can provide the benefits of muscular and aerobic conditioning, while at the same time improving such psychomotor skills as balance, agility and coordination.
How do you feel EVO’s concept and calisthenics align?
Well, both follow the same path –> learn how to move and have fun in your training sessions.
Why are calisthenics important in a workout?
In my opinion, it is important that you learn how your body works and with calisthenics you will improve your whole body awareness a lot, I mean A LOT!
By learning and understanding your own body, you will see improvements in your every day activities, like carrying heavy bags, playing with children, falling without injuring yourself, etc.).