Tutorial: TRX Low Press

The TRX low press is a highly effective upper body strength exercise.
- The lower push position primarily relies on the chest and arm strength, as well as on the control of the core.
- Adjust the TRX handles to hip height and take hold of the handles by your sides. Keep the elbows close to your sides as you take a step back. In this position, you should be leaning into the TRX with straight arms. This is the start position.
- Keeping the elbows by your sides and body straight, bend the arms and lower the body towards the handles. Think about the hips moving towards the handles.
- Return and repeat for reps or time.

- Arguably one of the best TRX and general upper body strength exercises that exists. We feel that this particular exercise is underused, underestimated and misunderstood.
- When compared to the classic TRX Press, the simple repositioning of the arms to a lower (hip) position may not seem like a big deal. However, it will demand more from your body.
- Firstly, the lower push position results in less shoulder movement. This will call both chest and triceps suddenly and to a greater extent. It can be disarming at first, so take it slow until you get used to the movement.
- Secondly, the core will feel like it’s working less, but this is an illusion. The lower push position does result in less core engagement. However, to perform the movement, the arms must remain close to the sides. This makes the body more unstable – requiring activation of the deeper core muscles. You will instantly feel the difference in core activation.
- You can find
the ability to exert strength from a lower arm position in many bodyweight and
gymnastic movements. Still, the inclusion of this exercise in your upper body
strength workouts will no doubt produce quick improvements in overall strength.
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