Tutorial: Bar Hang

The Bar Hang is a simple whole-body isometric strength exercise. As well as engaging the core, it will build the necessary stability and strength in the shoulders, arms and back for compound pulling exercises.
- Jump up and grab a high bar with a shoulder-width overhand grip
- Still the body, and engage the legs, glutes, and core – forming a dish. shape with the body. Keep the arms straight and squeeze the shoulder blades together for stability.
- Start with a 5s hold, building up to 30s as strength and control improve.
- Hanging movements result in reflex stabilization of the shoulder joint, which will contribute to a healthy, injury-free shoulder. People rarely train the overhead arm position expertly, so this exercise is unique in the way it builds both strength and range of motion.
- Any pulling exercise, from TRX rows to pull-ups to muscle ups, require high levels of shoulder joint stability for efficiency and control of movement. As such, the bar hang is an important skill-based exercise that should be performed regularly to maintain a healthy shoulder function.
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