Tutorial: Deep squat long post

The deep squat long post is a challenging dynamic mobility exercise. It can be perfectly inserted as part of any warm-up and cool down routine.
- While mastery will take time and practice, it is suitable for all levels. Also will be appealing when other warm-up equipment is unavailable.
- Begin in a deep squat position.
- Place the left hand on the floor just behind the left shoulder and lean your body into it. As you lean back, reach the right-hand overhead and extend the hips up to the ceiling.
- Open up the hips and reach the right arm in a comfortable position; then, pause for a moment. Return to the deep squat position and switch arms.
- Repeat slowly and continuously for reps or time.
- Inspired by gymnastics, yoga and Animal Flow, this effective mobilization exercise has found its way into many warm-up routines.
- The movement makes good use of spinal and hip flexion/extension while introducing left/right rotation. The single arm ‘posting’ requires (and will develop) balance, not to mention bodyweight strength. Don’t be fooled by the simplicity of the deep squat long post exercise – within a few repetitions, your heart rate will rise.
- The key to this movement is stability. While this may sound counter-intuitive, the body will only mobilize when it ‘feels’ stable. Stability comes from two points – firstly, hip extension. Use this to drive the movement. It’s not about reaching; it’s about driving the hips. Secondly, place the hand down and keep the arm straight – this will create stability through the shoulder and permit the spine and hips to extend fully.
- Modern-day sedentary living has predisposed us to flexion-based postures – bent over spines, bent at the hips, among others. Introducing full extension mobility into your warm-up will go a long way to balance these postures. That way, you will pave the way for pain-free, unrestricted daily movement and exercise performance.
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