The Art of Warming-Up in Cold Weather

Light / Warm-up / trapeze bar + strips + bodyweight / 10 min
The warm-up is fundamental to help you prevent injuries and prepare the whole body for the exercise session. Whether you’re just a lone runner or a frequent gym goer, you must prepare your body progressively to the training part that will demand more from your body.
The warm-up is the initial part of the training session. It is performed with lower intensity and it comes before the workout itself. Most of the warm-ups include a cardiovascular exercise and some stretch and strength drills. During the warm-up, your body’s temperature increases. The progressive movement of joints and muscles prepares the body for the more intense exercises that are coming next. The warm-up should take from 5 to 10 minutes.
- 10 minutes
- 5 exercises
- Equipment: trapeze bar, strips, bodyweight
5 minutes
Start your warm-up with a 5 minutes run at a moderate speed.
2 minutes, moving at a moderate speed
- Grab the hanged trapeze bar with your arms extended. The bar must be aligned with your chest. The bar must be at chest height.
- Take a long step forward and lunge deep, moving the arms straight overhead, torso upright. Return and switch legs.
2 minutes, moving at a moderate speed
- Stand upright and hold the trapeze bar with arms straight. Engage the core and transfer weight to one leg.
- Hinge at the hips as you reach forward with the bar. Aim to keep the torso in line with the raised leg.
- Keep your arms extended, holding the bar and try to go further, extending your shoulders, trunk and leg.
- Alternate between legs and repeat.
2 minutes, moving at a moderate speed
- Hang the bar slightly above your hip.
- Bent your trunk to the bar side leaning your forearm over the bar.
- You’ll feel a slight stretch on the rib cage. After that, return to the initial position.
2 minutes, moving at a moderate speed
- Lie on your back with knees bent. Place the right leg over the left thigh and allow it to hang in the bar.
- With the left foot, take a small step to the right, so the foot is in line with the right hip.
- Allow the left leg to slowly rotate to the right and back to the center. Feel the movement (and stretch) in the left outer hip, but do not over-stretch. Repeat and switch sides.
Warm-up done? Here are some ideas for workouts to perform after you are all warm and ready to train:
- Glute workout
- 16-minute Tabata workout
- Bodyweight workout for couples
- 10-minute bodyweight workout
- High Intensity Tabata Workout
- Leg workout
- Kettlebell Core Workout
- Barbell Workout
- 15-Minute High Intensity Workout
- Cardio Workout
- Movement Balance Workout
- Core Bag Workout
- Kinesis Core Workout
- HIIT Workout
- Jumping Workout