Tutorial: Hip Mobility

Hip mobility exercises are paramount to other sports and training activities. The hip structure is the largest joint structure of the body and exercising it should be kept as a part of every workout to keep it injury free.
There are plenty of stretching exercises designed to loosen the hips and this is one that allows spine decompression. This forward bend exercise resorts to equipment support to allow for a deeper, longer hip hinge.
- Keep the spine neutral and feet a shoulder width apart.
- Keep straight arms and legs and bend the torso forward balancing weight between the support of hands and wrists, and lower back and hip.
- Breath in while standing and release on the way down.
- Feel the stretching of the muscles and allow for the lower back to curve a bit before returning to a standing position.
- Repeat the motion in a slow and controlled fashion, holding it for as long as it feels comfortable.
- Include hip mobility stretching exercises in the workout warm-up to prepare the body for effort ahead.
- Use it as part of the cool-down routine after the workout to prevent the hip from feeling too rigid or stiff.
- Uncover more hip mobility exercises here.