7 Hacks, um deine Fitness-Neujahrsvorsätze zu halten

We can’t think of a bigger cliché than fitness-related New Year’s Resolutions. In fact, studies show that exercising more and losing weight are two of the most popular resolutions for next year. Easier said than done since only 8% of people actually achieve those resolutions — even you probably broke these resolutions before.
To help change these statistics and ensure you stay consistent throughout the year, we gathered our experts and asked them about the best hacks to help you achieve your fitness goals in 2023.
7 hacks to make sure your fitness New Year’s Resolutions stick
1 – Be realistic
It’s easy to say that, from 2023 onward, you’ll always be in a calorie deficit, that you’ll build a six-pack in a couple of weeks, or never skip the gym. Unattainable goals often end in disappointment, and most people react to this feeling by giving up. Instead of setting up for failure, you should stick with realistic fitness goals. That way, not only you’ll feel more motivated as you go, but you’ll also start to feel the benefits of your effort. Win-win!

2 – Plan to compete
At EVO, we’re big fans of bringing fun to our workouts, and competitions can help you do precisely that. They will keep your motivation and commitment high in the long run because you’ll not be exercising just for some vague fitness notion, but because you have a tangible goal to achieve. So whether you think about running 5k, doing a specific number of push-ups or simply cycling more kilometres, this fun and challenging aspect of competition can ensure you stick to your New Year’s Resolutions.
3 – Track your progress
No, we’re not talking about the old-fashioned hop-on-the-scale kind of tracking. It’s 2023, you should track your progress accordingly: with selfies on your social media. A recent study showed that people who shared their fitness progress on a specific social media tool lost more weight than the ones who didn’t. So, no, you’re not being annoying: you’re creating another commitment layer and making yourself accountable to go to the gym.
4 – Get a gym buddy
Speaking of accountability, another one of the best ways to ensure you keep working out is to find a gym buddy — because no one wants to let a friend down. So, we suggest you find someone with the same goals and interests and make a pact to show up for each other. To make it even more fun, you can even think about punishments if one of you misses a session.
5 – Reward yourself
Don’t get us wrong, treating yourself doesn’t mean you get a free pass to eat fast food after every workout. We’re talking about celebrating your small achievements by treating yourself to something you enjoy. But do it without jeopardizing all you’ve been working out for. Book a massage, or a spa day or maybe buy new fitness clothes to show off in the gym.
6- Keep trying
„Fail, fail again, fail better“. Beckett’s words resonate so well with us because we all fail eventually. So, if during 2023 you feel your motivation drop and you end up skipping the gym for more than just a few days, don’t be embarrassed to restart. Just because you slacked, doesn’t mean you won’t succeed. If this happens, take some time to recommit to your New Year’s Resolutions, and you’ll soon be back on track.
7 – Personal trainer
Last but not least, if you want to make sure you don’t skip on your fitness New Year’s Resolutions in 2023, you need to have someone by your side that combines all the 6 features above. And that someone is a personal trainer. They can help you reach your goals, motivate you, and make you accountable when you need the most. Book a session here.