Tutorial: Superfunctional Hip Mobility With a Twist

The superfunctional hip mobility (with a twist) is an excellent mobilization exercise for the hips and an excellent hamstring stretcher.
- Performed with the help of the superfunctional bar, it also provides a stretch for the spine and shoulders.
- The bar allows for flexibility in position and balance.
- Position the bar at belly button height and stand behind it. Grab the bar and take a small step back. Place one foot in front of the other, keeping legs straight – this is the starting position.
- Keeping the arms and spine straight, bend for the hips pushing them back as you reach the arms forward. Stop when you start to feel a stretch through the hips and hamstrings. Pause for a breath then slowly return.
- Swap over the feet and repeat for desired reps each side.
- This exercise is essentially a variation of the classic hamstring stretch. Here you put the hip into an extra stretch by stepping over the foot. Often the side of the hip can be a challenging area to mobilize and stretch, and this subtle foot placement can provide an intense but pleasurable stretch. Stretching each leg at a time can also highlight any asymmetries hidden when you perform a traditional bilateral stretch.
- The superfunctional bar serves a useful purpose both acting as a balance aid, and as a support for the hips moving back.
- The bar also provides an anchor point for opening up the upper back and shoulders – which are often ‘tight’ and ‘stuck’ due to prolonged seated postures. As such, this is a great warm-up exercise when you usually come to the gym after work.
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