Workout of the week: 20-min upper body workout

ALL LEVELS / upper body workout / 20 minutes
Equipment: Incline chest press machine, dumbbells, dips bar & gym mat
Upper body workout enthusiasts: rejoice! Here’s a workout fully dedicated to this body part. We promise to bring a lower body one next week. After all, mixing workouts allow you to exercise your whole body which is crucial for gaining balanced muscle development and overall strength.
This upper body workout will help you achieve that. It has 6 exercises, with 10 reps each, to perform for 3 rounds. You get to rest for 1 minute between exercises and extra 30 seconds between rounds. A 20-minute long session that will help you build upper body muscle!
- Incline chest press
- Quadruped shoulder taps
- Deadlift to row
- Dips
- Dumbbell sumo curls
- Russian twists
Ready? Here we go!

- 6 exercises
- 10 reps
- 1-min rest between exercises
- 3 rounds
- 30-sec rest between rounds
- 20 minutes total
- Equipment: Incline chest press machine, dumbbells, dips bar & gym mat
3 rounds
10 reps
- Lean back and press your feet actively into the floor.
- Find a symmetrical grip that lets your forearms stand almost parallel to the floor in the starting position.
- Engage your core and press forward and up with as much as possible.
- Make sure your back stays in contact with the cushion behind you.
- Repeat.
10 reps
- Begin on your hands and knees, all fours — knees beneath hips and hands beneath shoulders.
- Maintain your head in a neutral position.
- Lift one hand off the floor and tap the opposite shoulder. Try not to shift your hips or weight.
- Repeat the movement, but now with the other hand.
- Repeat.
10 reps
- Standing up proud, hold two dumbbells in each arm.
- Now, bend forward until your upper body is slightly above parallel to the ground. Your back should remain under tension/straight throughout the motion.
- Row the dumbbells up and down one time. Bend your elbows and retract your shoulder blades.
- With your arms returned to the lower position, raise your upper body back up.
4 – DIPS
10 reps
- Grab the bars and boost yourself up. Engage the core, looking forward.
- Bend your knees — it will help you with stabilisation.
- Keeping your elbows at your side, lower your body. Your triceps should be parallel to the floor.
- Bring yourself back up without locking your elbows.
- Repeat.
10 reps
- Grab two dumbbells and hold them with both hands. You should stretch your arms, and the dumbbells should be in front of your waist.
- Feet apart (about twice your shoulder width) with your toes pointing out slightly.
- Lower your body as far as you can, hips back and knees bent. That’s the starting position.
- Now, perform a curl by bringing the dumbbells all the way up to your shoulders by bending your elbows.
- Maintain the sumo squat position while you repeat the curls 10 times.
10 reps
- Sit on the ground with your knees bent.
- Lift your feet from the ground.
- Hold the dumbbell with both hands. Move the kettlebell from one side to another over the hip.
- Keep your legs stable and your back straight.
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