Tutorial: Superfunctional Row

The superfunctional row is a bodyweight pulling exercise that will improve core stability and whole-body control.
- The superfunctional row is an excellent pulling progression for those looking to develop their pull up skill.
- While this exercise is predominantly an upper body movement, the core and lower body will also be challenged to stabilize the movement.
- You can perform the superfunctional row as a standalone exercise in a workout, or even combined with other pulling exercises.
- Hold the bar and place yourself underneath it with your arms straight. The body should be at approximately 45 degrees with arms at chest height.
- Engage the core and glutes to maintain a straight line with the ankles, knees, hips and shoulders.
- Begin the movement by pulling your body toward the bar. Return and repeat continuously for reps or time.
- Instead of pulling, try to focus on bringing the chest to the bar while simultaneously squeezing the shoulder blades together. This approach makes it easier to stabilize the shoulder girdle.
- The superfunctional row is a variation of the TRX row. It is also a useful building block exercise for the bodyweight pull-up.
- Although some balance and control are required, the bar offers a ‘safe’ position, allowing the user to focus more on technique and less on strength. Nevertheless, beginners will still feel like they have worked hard.
- The ability to set and stabilize the shoulders during heavy load movements (such as squatting, lifting, carrying) is a limiting factor to performance, and can often lead to injury over time. Use this exercise as part of your skill/technique training to build stabilization and endurance in the shoulder girdle. This way, you’ll soon be ready for heavier lifting.
- Don’t be surprised by the high levels of core activation – these muscles are working hard to maintain proper body alignment.
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- Superfunctional Y
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- Burpee
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